We've created a list of resources for you to use as you continue to strategize and implement.
Teaching Tolerance - Educating for a Diverse Democracy
" Our mission is to reduce prejudice, improve intergroup relations and support equitable school experiences for our nation’s children. We believe that schools must educate all students for full participation in a diverse democracy."
Center for Social Inclusion and Race Forward have united!
Founded in 2002, CSI’s mission is to catalyze community, government, and other institutions to dismantle structural racial inequity and create equitable outcomes for all. We craft and apply strategies and tools to transform our nation’s policies, practices, and institutions, in order to achieve racial equity.
Southern Poverty Law Center
The SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.
Robin DiAngelo
Dr. DiAngelo is an Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the University of Washington. In addition to her academic work, Dr. DiAngelo has been a consultant, educator and facilitator for over 20 years on issues of racial and social justice. She has worked with a wide-range of organizations including private, non-profit, and governmental.
the aspen institute
The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the most important challenges facing the United States and the world.
Native Appropriations is a blog that critically discusses the ways that Indigenous people are depicted in mainstream, Euro-American dominated, culture.
Colorlines is a daily news site where race matters, featuring award-winning in-depth reporting, news analysis, opinion and curation.
A website dedicated to social justice and civic engagement by educator and writer Jon Greenberg.
social justice books is a project of Teaching for Change, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world.
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Joy DeGruy Leary
White Rage, Carol Anderson
The Color of Law, Richard Rothstein
Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X Kendi
The Souls of Black Folks, W.E.B. Debois
A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn
From Blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation, Keeanga-Tamahtta Taylor
Mediocre, Ijeoma Oluo
So, you Want To Talk about Race, Ijeoma Oluo
Tears We Cannot Stop, Michael Eric Dyson
Between the World and Me, Ta’Nehisi Coates
Eight Years in Power, Ta’Nehisi Coates
White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo
The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
Racism without Racists, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Pushout, The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools, Monique W. Morris
Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson
CASTE, Isabel Wilkerson
So, You Want to Fight White Supremacy?, Ijeoma Oluo
What Does it Mean to Be White, Robin DiAngelo
Is Everyone Really Equal? Robin DiAngelo
Blind Spot, Hidden Biases of Good People, Anthony Greenwald
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria, Beverly Daniel Tatum
So, They Call You a Terrorist, Patrisse Kuhn-Cullors and Ashe Bandele
13th, A documentary focused on 13th amendment and incarceration in this country,
A Netflix production directed by Ava DuVernay
In the 1930s, we illegally deported 600,000 U.S. citizens because they had Mexican heritage
40 Acres and a Mule Would Be at Least $6.4 Trillion Today—What the U.S. Really
Extensive Data shows punishing reach of Racism for Black Boys, New York Times –
African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in
The Racist History of Portland, the whitest city in America, The Atlantic
Report: No progress for African Americans on homeownership, unemployment and
Bryan Stevenson on what well-meaning white people need to know about RACE, Pacific
A Timeline of the Events that Led Up to the 2020 Fed-Up Rising